Creating a Meaningful Company Culture

Creating a Meaningful
Company Culture


Culture is one of those really popular buzzwords in business and marketing today. People like talking about culture – it makes you seem like you know what you’re doing, that you’re cool or up and coming.

It evokes mental pictures of open concept offices, ping pong tables, and an office dress code that is way closer to college than corporate attire. If pressed, most of these business owners would say they have a good culture.

There’s not a thing wrong with ping pong tables, jeans, and t-shirts, or open-concept office spaces. It’s just that these things have way more to do with a company’s atmosphere or environment than they do its culture.

So, here’s the thing.

We’ve “been there” and “done that.”

And by “there” and “that” we mean we’ve made a lot of mistakes and eaten a lot of humble pie.

Like many businesses we were small in our beginnings, and grew bit by bit. But about eight years ago, we experienced a period of incredibly rapid growth.

And, rapid growth when you haven’t prepared for it can be a mixed bag.

So, because we’ve learned firsthand how investing in your culture is one of the most important and invaluable decisions you can make for the long-term good of your team and your company, we want to share everything we know in this eBook:

Mistakes most businesses make in thinking about their culture (we’ve made them, too!).
How we learned from our mistakes and took steps to build a culture that was meaningful and valuable to our team.
The importance of hiring a Chief of Staff.
Tools we use in building our culture.

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