SEO Strategy Checklist Preview

An SEO Strategy Checklist

One of the reasons for taking a long, hard look at your website is that it helps you to get found by potential customers. 

And when it comes to having a business that is profitable and thriving, getting found is a pretty BIG deal. 

But an even bigger deal is staying found. That means providing valuable content in an engaging way that keeps people coming back for more and turns them into leads.

Luckily, you can accomplish this with a little elbow grease and some SEO.

What exactly is SEO? Well, it’s a healthy mixture of nuanced and complex, but to put it simply, SEO is when you correctly identify keywords people are searching for when typing in a query into a search engine. 

But, taking it just one step further, SEO also:  

  • Increases brand awareness – Optimizing your website for search queries that your buyer personas are typing in allows you to increase your brand awareness to the prospects that are most important to your business. 
  • Builds trust – When users type in a problem they’re having into Google and they click your website, it’s a great opportunity to build trust with a potential customer. If you’re able to supply them with what they’re looking for, you become a viable resource for them for all future pain points or industry-related queries.
  • Measures ROI – SEO is directly measurable. You’re able to gauge what your return-on-investment is based upon your metrics. You can see how many people are coming to your website from organic search, and if those people are converting into leads and customers.

So, while SEO can be intricate, we wanted to make it easier to digest by breaking it down with an easy-to-use checklist.

In this checklist, you’ll find:

  • A printable, easy-to-fill-out way to kickstart your SEO strategy
  • “To do’s” that cover the most important components of good SEO
  • Checkable boxes that give you that “I just got something done” feeling.

While there’s no single task or strategy guaranteeing a spot at the top, this checklist is,  basically, SEO made easy.